Greeves Logo Challenger Sidecover Plate

Boyd picture 1967 MX5B Challenger. This one became my first Greeves. When I acquired it, it looked just like this with the same peeling 484 number plates.
Boyd picture The other side.
Boyd picture Another side view.
Boyd picture 1967 MX5D Challenger. This one was in much rougher shape when my brother restored it in Dec., 2001.
Boyd picture Another view of the MX5D with the MX5B in the background.
Boyd picture 1964 MX1 Challenger under restoration by Boyd. It looks the same today.
Boyd picture 1965 TFS Trail bike. Partially restored by Boyd. This one came to my stable in December, 2002. It is in about the same state of completion, but has weathered considerably since this picture.
Boyd picture Another view of the TFS Trail.
Boyd picture Probably a picture of the above TFS before restoration.
Boyd picture An evening shot of the QUB and 250 Griffin w/ 380 engine sitting outside the garage.
Boyd picture A close up of the above bikes.

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